Graham J. Darling is a researcher, educator and writer. From diamond-hard Science Fiction to mythopoeic Fantasy and unearthly Horror, his fiction is crafted to nourish, exalt, disturb, endure; his articles and demonstrations on Alchemy and other medieval technology make the Past come alive.
A Life of Science

Graham Darling grew up in and around Ottawa, in eastern Canada, at the confluence of several rivers, biomes and cultures. His father was an anthropologist in the Federal Department of Aboriginal Affairs, and his mother was assistant to Canada’s leading folklorist at the National Museum of Man. Thus, early on he picked up the traditional tales of many peoples, along with outdoor lore through Scouts Canada and the Macoun Field Club of junior naturalists.
Eventually, from the University of Ottawa, he obtained a PhD in Organic Polymer Chemistry and other degrees in Biology and Biochemistry. He then worked on polymers for microelectronics at IBM in Silicon Valley, then as a chemistry professor at McGill University in Montreal, before moving back into the private sector as an industrial research chemist, and out west to Metro Vancouver British Columbia then back to the Ottawa area.
Today, as Graham D. Darling, he is an industrial research chemist with a dozen patents and over 30 papers in refereed scientific publications such as Faraday Transactions, Chemical Physics Letters, Journal of Organic Chemistry, Biotechnology & Bioengineering, Macromolecules, Mineral Engineering, Polymeric Materials Encyclopedia, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, Canadian Journal of Microbiology, and The Chitin Handbook. As Graham J. Darling, he is also a fiction writer; and a medieval reenactor as Doctor Carus.